About me

I'm currently pursuing an undergraduate degree in Computer Science from Chaitanya Bharathi Institute of Technology, Hyderabad. Recently I've been working on a Geo-targeted Business Advertising System that runs ads on websites based on viewers' locations. You can find more about me on LinkedIn

Cool Stuff I've Worked On

CRM Website (SIH 2019)

The one-stop platform to help MSME entrepreneurs to reach their customers and help them by breaking the language barrier Won 1st place at Smart India Hackathon 2019.

Geo-targeted Business Advertising System

The platform enables local business owners to advertise their business to their local audience on websites they visit.

School Resource Management Website

Django website to help schools to use available resources efficiently by sharing with neighboring schools

Other Projects

  • AJAX webpage to display live corona stats throughout India district wise.

  • Hotel Management System (Mini Project)